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For IB Physics Standard Level, here are the key contents.
1.Measurements and uncertainties
3.Thermal physics
5.Electricity and magnetism
6.Circular motion and gravitation
7.Atomic, nuclear and particle physics
8.Energy production
Option (Choice of one out of four)
B. Engineering physics
C. Imaging
D. Astrophysics
Practical scheme of work
Prescribed and other practical activities
Individual investigation (internally assessed)
Group 4 project
External Assessment (80%)
Paper 1 30 multiple-choice questions (20%)
Paper 2 Short answer and extended response questions (Core) (40%)
Paper 3 Data- and practical-based questions plus, short answer and extended response
questions on the option (20%)
Internal Assessment (20%)
Investigation and write-up
of 6 to 12 pages
For IB Physics Higher Level, here are the key contents.
1.Measurements and uncertainties
3.Thermal physics
5.Electricity and magnetism
6.Circular motion and gravitation
7.Atomic, nuclear and particle physics
8.Energy production
Additional higher level
9. Wave phenomena
10. Fields
11. Electromagnetic induction
12. Quantum and nuclear physics
Option (Choice of one out of four)
B. Engineering physics
C. Imaging
D. Astrophysics
Practical scheme of work
Prescribed and other practical activities
Individual investigation (internally assessed)
Group 4 project
External Assessment (80%)
Paper 1 40 multiple-choice questions (20%)
Paper 2 Short answer and extended response questions (Core and AHL) (36%)
Paper 3 Data- and practical-based questions plus, short answer and extended response
questions on the option (24%)
Internal Assessment (20%)
Investigation and write-up
of 6 to 12 pages