Let’s face it. A-level exams are tough, very tough. It is not uncommon to see students who repeat their A-level exams as private candidates. As long as the candidate is below a certain age limit and meet some other requirements, he or she could retake the exams. Over the years, I have taught students in National Services, international students and local students in Junior Colleges. There were soldiers who marched to my classroom with their army uniforms. That is commitment.
So how to score well for A-level Physics as a private candidate?
Please think very carefully before committing to retaking the exams. They are one of the tougher exams to "select" people for university. The content knowledge required is enormous. The stress is almost unbearable. Please make sure you really could commit for another round of exam preparations.
Okay, now you have decided to do it. Here is the link to go to register as a private candidate: https://www.seab.gov.sg/pages/private_candidate
Now, you have registered and on track for exams. To have adequate preparations, it would be necessary to have a regular study schedule. For example, it could be every day 2 hours of study period in the evening. At this moment, it would be great to sign up for a suitable group physics tuition sessions to give yourself some regular guided study. Here at our office, we offer small group physics tuitions at great rates.
Kindly note the latest syllabus for some subjects. Here is the link to the latest syllabus: https://www.seab.gov.sg/docs/default-source/national-examinations/syllabus/alevel/2019Syllabus/9749_2019.pdf For example, A-level H2 physics in Singapore has a new syllabus from 2017 onwards. Your old notes from JC three years ago might not be adequate. There are some new concepts such as Rayleigh Criteria that are not covered in the old syllabus.
We all have tendency to be lazy and delay work until it has to be done. Therefore it is very beneficial to have a private tutor to “push” you forward and make sure you are on track. All great athletes have great coaches who put them on the fast track to successes. You could also have one because it is definitely worth your investment. Think of improving from a fail to an A or B! Past students have done it!
There are many types of tutors for private candidates. Usually, a subject specialist is highly recommended. It is because the specialists have devoted a greater amount of time into this subject and would offer more effective help. Also, A-level materials are tough, so a specialist who could answer all your questions with ease and confidence is highly sought after. It will give you the peace of mind that the materials are taught properly and correctly to you.
A bit of advertisement here: I am an A-level physics specialist with a master’s degree from Caltech in the U.S.. Past students have done extremely well. Please contact me at +65-9646-7611 for enquiries on specialized physics tuition services. Would be very glad to help you!
In the end, all the best for A-level exams. Study hard and study smart. And then you could clear this hurdle and move on to your university!